Best Temperature To Sleep In

sleep temperature sleep hygiene

Did you know your bedroom temperature makes a big difference in the quality of your sleep? Well, now you know! According to several research studies, cool room temperature is one of the most critical factors in getting a good night's sleep.

Well, what’s the ideal temperature to sleep or power nap in to maintain the best sleep hygiene, then, you might ask? Approximately the number settles at around 18.3 degrees Celsius. Unsurprisingly, because humans are complex and unique, this varies from person to person. Still, most doctors recommend setting the thermostat between 15.6 to 19.4 degrees Celsius for a night of optimum, comfortable sleep. If these numbers sound random, read on to find out how the temperature in your environment impacts your sleep!  

How does temperature affect sleep?

Our body’s sleep cycle is regulated by something called a circadian rhythm. Every 24 hours, our body temperature shifts — getting warm at night and colder as time passes until it reaches its lowest point at daybreak. 

How exactly does this happen? Your blood vessels expand on your skin, making your body cool. At night, you might initially experience your hands getting warmer — a sign of your temperature dropping. This often happens because your body allows the heat to escape, which subsequently lowers the body temperature. And to think the human body does this without any intervention or our knowing!

Unsurprisingly, if your room temperature is too cold or too hot as you sleep, it will inevitably mess with your body’s internal temperature regulation and contribute to poor sleep hygiene. And you will likely end up with disturbed sleep, too. A cooler sleep environment helps produce melatonin, a hormone that signals to the brain that it’s time to get to bed now! And a cool environment is a rather helpful condition for its proper production. Note that the temperature for infants and kids will be the same as yours during the night. However, you have to take good care of their clothing and bedding to let them have a good night's sleep.

What happens if the temperature is too hot or too cold?

As is the case with most things, beauty lies in balance! Too much exposure to heat in a sleep environment ends up causing low sleepiness with high wakefulness. Humid heat further thwarts thermoregulation, or our body's ability to regulate the temperature. On the flip side, the excessive chill is not particularly known to affect sleep. Well, unless you have warm enough blankets to help ride it out!

Create the perfect sleep temperature

Now that you know all how temperature plays a role in impacting the quality of your sleep, you’re likely curious about how to implement these learnings into your daily life. Beyond setting your room temperature to the above-discussed ideal, there are several things that you can do to cool or warm up your sleeping space.

  • Keep your blinds closed during the daytime for low heat build-up
  • Turn down your thermostat at night
  • Consider using a fan or an air conditioner in hot regions! Alternatively, hot water bottles or heaters are often your best friends in cold regions
  • Warm your body up with some chamomile tea if you feel too cold
  • Just like you need perfume to kick start your day with freshness, a calming, relaxing scent at night is also a must. Try our Starry Nights Sleep Mist for a blissful slumber!
  • Keep your windows open for a ventilated space
  • Make sure to wear the comfiest pyjamas

Final words: sleep tight!

Sleeping is the best way to ease up your pent-up tension and stress. Now that you’ve learned how to adjust your room temperature to help encourage good sleep, it’s your time to shine! Implement these essential learnings and witness the magic of a refreshing, energising slumber.

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