hoop aspires to fundamentally transform wellness for millions of Indians. But our mission also stretches beyond that. We care about making our planet healthier as well.
Have you ever walked on a beach and seen plastic trash floating all around? Did you know that a whopping 80% of the trash that ends up in the ocean is plastic? Unfortunately, our beautiful waters, beaches and aquatic marine life are feeling the effects of the mounting single-use plastic waste around us. We want to do our bit in tackling ocean plastic waste, with the help of our awesome hoopsters.
So, we have teamed up with some wonderful organizations working in coastal areas for ocean waste. Where do you come in? That’s simple. For every hoop product you buy, we remove not one but two pieces of plastic from the ocean! While you care for your wellness, we extend it towards the planet. As a bonus, our efforts also help create jobs and improve lives.
We're determined to leave this world cleaner and better than when we found it. As a brand, we aspire for plastic positivity and strive to recycle more plastic than we produce while exploring sustainable packaging options.Keep an eye out for more details on our plastic-positivity goals. We've got some exciting stuff coming your way!